sexta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2021

OH OH OH  well... what can I say? I did draw, but not every day. Something really unexpected happened, drawing this la la la Christmas themed drawings made me feel very very anxious. At the time I didn't quite understood what was happening, each time I sat to draw my body reacted in very strange ways...

Then a few days ago I heard Kim Wad saying something like: " If you are an adult and look back to your Christmas childwood memories and you feel joyful, and this time of year makes you feel happy that is the result of your parents love." And then I understood, I was feeling the exact same thing that I feel every year, near the 5th of July and the 13th of September. The advent, those approaching days of something really unpleasant coming soon...

Joy to the world, dread on my household. 

But here are my very frustrated attempts:

Bom ano novo!